Online reports outside Australia or via internationally hosted networks

Our online reporting service is unavailable to networks hosted outside of Australia.

If you are located outside Australia, or using a VPN set to a region outside of Australia, you cannot access our online reporting system.

To report a crime from overseas or via an international VPN

This is to report a non-urgent crime that has already happened, such as theft, property loss, or damage.

If you have already spoken to a police officer, contact the police station (opens in a new window)they were from.

Reports outside of Australia

To report a non-urgent crime that occurred in Victoria from outside Australia, contact the police station in the location where the crime occurred.

Reports via a VPN set to a region outside of Australia

If in Australia but cannot access our online reporting system, contact the police station in the location where the crime occurred.

In an emergency

In an emergency, if you are in danger, or to report a crime in progress, please call the emergency services number for the country you are in, or Triple Zero (000) if you are in Australia. 
